quando escolhemos uma roupa, ou a cor da tinta que iremos pintar as
paredes de casa, optamos pelas que mais nos agradam. Dificilmente,
pensamos nas cores como fontes de bem-estar.
Mas saiba, que as cores têm o poder de influenciar diretamente nosso comportamento e humor.
Já que, uma vez captadas pelos nossos olhos, transmitem ao cérebro impulsos e reações que são refletidas de diversas maneiras.
Entretanto, para usá-las a seu favor, de forma adequada, é preciso saber os seus significados.
The colors and their meanings
Typically, when choosing an outfit or the color of the paint that will paint the walls of the house, we chose the more we like it. Hardly, think of the colors as sources of welfare.
But know that the colors have the power to directly influence our behavior and mood.
Since, as captured by our eyes, transmit impulses to the brain and reactions which are reflected in various ways.
However, to use them in your favor, appropriately, one must know their meanings.
Mas saiba, que as cores têm o poder de influenciar diretamente nosso comportamento e humor.
Já que, uma vez captadas pelos nossos olhos, transmitem ao cérebro impulsos e reações que são refletidas de diversas maneiras.
Entretanto, para usá-las a seu favor, de forma adequada, é preciso saber os seus significados.
The colors and their meanings
Typically, when choosing an outfit or the color of the paint that will paint the walls of the house, we chose the more we like it. Hardly, think of the colors as sources of welfare.
But know that the colors have the power to directly influence our behavior and mood.
Since, as captured by our eyes, transmit impulses to the brain and reactions which are reflected in various ways.
However, to use them in your favor, appropriately, one must know their meanings.