Gestalt é o termo intraduzível do alemão utilizado para abarcar a teoria da percepção visual baseada na psicologia da forma.
Segundo a Gestalt o cérebro é um sistema dinâmico no qual se produz uma interação entre os elementos, em determinado momento, através de princípios de organização perceptual. Sendo assim o cérebro tem princípios operacionais próprios, com tendências auto-organizacionais dos estímulos recebidos pelos sentidos.
Para os gestaltistas, entre o estímulo que o meio fornece e a resposta do indivíduo, encontra-se o processo de percepção. O que o indivíduo percebe e como percebe são dados importantes para a compreensão do comportamento humano.
Esse fenômeno da percepção é norteado pela busca de fechamento, simetria e regularidade dos pontos que compõem uma figura (objeto). Nenhuma pessoa dotada de um sistema nervoso perfeito apreende a forma alinhavando os retalhos da cópia de suas partes o sentido normal da visão apreende um padrão global.
Gestalt is untranslatable German term used to encompass the theory of visual perception based on the psychology of form.
According to Gestalt brain is a dynamic system in which produces an interaction between the elements at any given time, through principles of perceptual organization. So the brain has its own operating principles, with self-organizational tendencies of stimuli received by the senses.
For Gestaltists between the stimulus and the response gives the means of the individual, is the perception process. What the individual sees and realizes how data are important for understanding human behavior.
This phenomenon of perception is guided by the search for closure, symmetry and regularity of the points that make up a picture (object). No person with a nervous system perceives the perfect way tacking the flap copy parts of the normal sense of sight perceives a global standard.
Gestalt is untranslatable German term used to encompass the theory of visual perception based on the psychology of form.
According to Gestalt brain is a dynamic system in which produces an interaction between the elements at any given time, through principles of perceptual organization. So the brain has its own operating principles, with self-organizational tendencies of stimuli received by the senses.
For Gestaltists between the stimulus and the response gives the means of the individual, is the perception process. What the individual sees and realizes how data are important for understanding human behavior.
This phenomenon of perception is guided by the search for closure, symmetry and regularity of the points that make up a picture (object). No person with a nervous system perceives the perfect way tacking the flap copy parts of the normal sense of sight perceives a global standard.